There is a time when speechlessness reigns. Here dance can be a language without words that finds its way to the heart …

“with being driven
forward, time races
and sometimes it
simply stands still.
traces are left behind,
sometimes wide and often
tremendously loud.”

In a discussion with the relatives, a framework for a dance during or after the funeral service is created together. Pieces can be selected from a wide range of music.
About me: I have said goodbye to several members of my family and arranged their funerals, as well as danced at various funeral services in recent years. Should you wish to take a very personal approach with me or engage me for a funeral service, I can be reached at:
Phone 089/272 49 06 or
How a mourning dancer brings the deceased back to life …
“She offers an unusual ceremony for the bereaved. Helga Seewann’s dance is an expression of the stories that relatives tell about their dead.”
Interview by Andrea Schlaier, SZ Stadtviertel, Westend
A dance for
special occasions
Should you wish to go down a very personal path with me or engage me for a funeral service, I am there for
there for you.